Nick loved the wonder of 'Alice in Wonderland' and introduced his first...
At Nick Hubbard Jewellery we adore our pets, especially those constant companions...
Any piece of Nick Hubbard jewellery makes a beautiful Christmas gift! Here...
Beautiful jewellery that celebrates Love, Hope and Affection for beloved partners, family...
Nick's work is widely known for its fine figurative detail and in...
Our initial collection is an expanding range of pieces made to celebrate...
A collection of beautiful bracelets celebrating Nick's optimism, positivity and wit! Chose...
Bean's charms are a range of sweet, playful and traditional solid silver...
A collection of beautiful brooches including our classic 'Running Hare' and statement...
Solid silver and gold earrings, ranging from simple everyday studs to playful...
A collection of exquisite necklaces, ranging from simple understated pieces to our...
Choose from everyday pieces to stylish wedding bands celebrating the joy and...